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Probate and Estate Administration Attorneys

Nassau, Queens & New York Estate Administration Law Firm

When a loved one dies, the survivor is often overwhelmed by the paperwork involved in transferring the assets to the survivor or other persons to whom the decedent chose to leave his or her property. The transfer can occur in many ways.

  • Probate of a will

  • Jointly held property

  • Property held in trust

  • Intestacy

When a person dies with a will, the will is probated in Surrogate’s Court. When a person dies without a will, the state’s intestate laws will distribute a person’s assets in accordance with a formula based on what the typical person may have done with their assets. An attorney may also handle probate and estate administration, including preparation of state and federal estate tax forms, protecting the interests of the fiduciaries, Surrogate’s Court trials, and accounting submissions.

Probate and Estate Administration begins upon the death of an individual. It refers to the manner and procedures necessary to resolve the decedent’s personal and financial affairs in a proper and timely manner. An estate administration can be simple or complex, the determination of which depends on many factors, not simply the size of an estate.

In addition to questions regarding funeral and burial arrangements, a survivor must often deal with transfers of property, estate taxes, the possible need for appraisals, the sale or transfer of assets, payment of debts, and legal assistance can lessen the burden of all of these issues and make the transition easier.

Peknic, Peknic & Schaefer is experienced with the often complex issues that need to be addressed when handling an estate. Their experience will help the estate to be settled while minimizing the stress and financial strain placed on survivors.

Brian Peknic

Click to view Brian Peknic’s profile, head of the estate administration division.

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Contact an experienced probate and estate administration attorney by calling or emailing Peknic, Peknic & Schaefer today. Their lawyers represent clients throughout Nassau, Queens, Long Island and New York State.
